综上所述,当你遇到“cannot access a member of class”错误时,应首先检查访问权限和访问方式是否正确,然后确认类定义和成员名是否无误,最后考虑是否有继承关系或命名空间冲突等问题。通过逐步排查这些因素,你应该能够找到问题的根源并解决它。
a那你跟我用英文干什么吗? What then you do use English with me to do?[translate] a收把完美轩辕弓,有的直邮 收把完美轩辕弓,有的直邮[translate] acannot access private member declared in class 'MyClass 不能访问在类宣称的下院议员‘MyClass[translate]...
cannot access private member declared in class 'student':不能访问student类中的私有成员 当你定义class student{ ...}时候,所有变量默认是private的,也就是说,外部(如main函数中)是无法访问的,只能在类的内部访问
不能访问class 'A'中声明的私有成员。 因为将构造函数声明为私有的了。
class complex { public:friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &os,const complex& obj){os<<'('<<obj.a<<'+'<<'('<<obj.b<<'i'<<')'<<')'; //把实现放到类定义中 return os;} private:int a;int b;public:complex(int m=0,int n=0){a=m;b=n;} complex operator+(const...
We may imagine Mrs s a woman comrade's braid, may understand a braid madame[translate] acannot access private member declared in class 'Date' 不能访问在类宣称的下院议员‘日期’[translate]
0 Cannot compile code using an enum declared in a templated base class [C++] 3 Inheriting from a template class in c++ with enum as template parameter 0 How to access nested template parameters that are enums? 4 C++ Access to not yet defined member of template parameter ...
In the preceding example, the assignment statementx = 10generates this error message. This is because a shared procedure is attempting to access an instance variable. The variablexis an instance member because it is not declared asShared. Each instance of classSamplecontains its own individual var...
Error 1 error C2248: 'CObject::CObject' : cannot access private member declared in class 'CObject' c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc\atlmfc\include\afxwin.h 1991 1 ProcessInfo And my code: boost::threadtimerThread(&CMainFunctions::TimerFunction,this, pid, TIMER_IN...
Method 1: Check the permission of the file or folder Note Make sure you are an Administrator or you are part of the Domain Admins group if you are in a domain. Permissions are rules associated with files that determine if you can access the file and what you can do with ...