Two 5 g packs were finely grinded (< 2 mm particle size) and divided into two batches: 500 mg were extracted with 50 mL of ethanol 96% according to the procedure reported in the monograph of Cannabis Flos of the German Pharmacopoeia19 and analyzed by UHPLC-HESI-Orbitrap without further...
Type Monograph - ID Number 21208101150 Date 1803 “De cannabis vi medica” Author Seidenschnur, Michaelis jacobus Publisher ex off. Batheana - Place of Publication Halæ Edition / Pagination 16 pp. - ID Number 11208541430 Date 1834 “Ueber die Haschischa oder das Kraut der Fakire. Nach...
In order to assure the quality of the supplied medicinal cannabis, the contracted certified laboratory checks each batch of medicinal cannabis for levels of cannabinoids, moisture and contamination (heavy metals, pesticide, mould and microbes), following the European Pharmacopoeia and Dutch monograph. Ab...
Cannabis monographs appeared in the British Pharmacopoeia as early as 1888 but were removed in 1932 (39). A monograph for Cannabis sativa is included in the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India, Siddha Pharmacopoeia of India (40), Unani Pharmacopoeia of India, and Pharmacopoeia of the People's ...
The method for acid hydrolysis extraction of flavonoids was adapted from the monograph for ginkgo in the latest version of the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP)95. In brief, 250 mg of the sample was extracted with 5 mL extraction solvent (ethanol, water, and hydrochloric acid at a 50:20...