A random telephone survey of 809 members of the WA population was conducted prior to the implementation of the new laws with a view to exploring contemporary views of the existing legal status of cannabis, attitudes to the proposed legislative model and respondent perceptions of its likely effects...
Department of Justice “over the state’s puzzling marijuana laws” Read Post » ALL NEWS OH: Warren city council considers resolution against proposed changes to Ohio recreational marijuana law… it’ll send tax revenues to the center March 4, 2025 | C.N.W OH: Warren city council ...
There is evidence that the use of cannabis is increasing in Australia, with stable black-market prices, despite the 9-year National Campaign Against Drug Abuse, increasing expenditure to enforce the laws against cannabis use, and the seizure of large plantations of cannabis plants. Recent government...
. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof and the Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities laws....
In the early months of the scheme understanding of the new laws among both police and members of the public was far from perfect. For the system to achieve the outcomes intended by legislators, it is essential that levels of understanding improve. Media and other campaigns to inform the ...
Cannabis contains more than 100 unique ingredients that are known as 'cannabinoids', and the proportions of these vary widely across different strains of the plant. High-Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC) varieties with negligible levels of cannabidiol (CBD) now dominate many Western markets and ar...
Cannabis contains more than 100 unique ingredients that are known as 'cannabinoids', and the proportions of these vary widely across different strains of the plant. High-Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC) varieties with negligible levels of cannabidiol (CBD) now dominate many Western markets and ar...
Consumer fireworks may contain no more than 50 or 130 milligrams of flash powder in ground and aerial devices, respectively. They also must have a “fuse burn time” of no less than 3 seconds and no more than 9 seconds. Federal law – and many states’ laws – classify some other ...
laws, regulations, and practices are enacted to provide exceptions and safe harbors to the maximal patent exclusivity right (Experts’ Study on Exclusions from Patentable Subject Matter and Exceptions and Limitations to the Rightsn.d.). Among these exceptions are (i) private and/or non-commercial...
reform to begin to roll right as German legislators changed the laws about medical cannabis in 2017. But even this was a cannabis industry looking to foreign markets that they presumably knew were developing (if not had a direct hand in doing so, including in Berlin, come tender-writing ...