Mast cell tumours occur in the dog, particularly in the boxer and related breeds, in the skin and less frequently in the intestines. Cytology usually provides an accurate diagnosis, but histological examination adds further information concerning the histologic grade and the completeness of surgical ...
Mast cell tumours occur in the dog, particularly in the boxer and related breeds, in the skin and less frequently in the intestines. Cytology usually provides an accurate diagnosis, but histological examination adds further information concerning the histologic grade and the completeness of surgical ...
Thursday 7th October: A GP approach to work up canine mast cell tumours with Sara Verganti Thursday 14th October: What cytology can tell you with Francesco Cian Thursday 21st October: The histopathology report and proliferative markers: what they mean for your patients with Roberta Rasotto ...
Urease production, cytology, histopathology, culture, serology, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis can be used to diagnose Helicobacter infection, but in most naturally infected dogs, these species seem to cause no clinically significant change in gastric physiology or function [63], [64]...
HemangiosarcomaPerianal massDogDiagnostic cytologyCD31Factor VIII-related antigenBackground Tumors of the perianal area occur frequently in dogs, and the two most common tumors are perianal gland adenoma and anal sac adenocarcinoma; others such as mast cell tumor, lymphoma and......
Initial work up of a mast cell tumor (MCT) will involve diagnosis by FNA and staging. The initial staging performed will depend on the index of suspicion that the mass is a grade II or III MCT and clinician's preference. Cytology is generally diagnostic for MCT. However, an...
Hergt F, Bomhard W, Kent MS and Hirschberger J. Use of a 2-tier histologic grading system for canine cutaneous mast cell tumors on cytology specimens. Veterinary Clinical Pathology 2016; 45: 477-483.KIUPEL, M. et al. Proposal of a 2-tier histologic grading system for canine cutaneous ...
MAST cell tumorsCOLLAGENBONE marrow examinationFIBROBLASTSBONE marrowMAST cellsOur 2016 canine mast cell tumor cytology grading system[2] included nuclear pleomorphism (aka bizarre nuclei); however, the authors do not indicate whether this criterion was applied to the cases in their grading ...
Fine-needle aspiration cytology is widely used in veterinary medicine to diagnose mast cell tumors (MCTs). Most articles and book chapters focus on cytologic criteria adapted from histologic classification systems. However, there are no studies correlating a histologic grading system with a cytologic ...
Postoperative follow-up information was collected for a period of 40 weeks in all cases.Simeonov,R.Simeonova,G.Analytical and quantitative cytology and histology