Advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) are adducts formed by the non-enzymatic glycation of macromolecules. AGE formation is accelerated in oxidative and hyperglycemic conditions, diabetes, renal failure, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, and in normal aging (1‑5). Receptor for advance...
The puppies recovered well and at the age of approximately 7 weeks when they were in good health again, we took environmental samples as detailed below for analysis by next generation sequencing. The aim was to determine if next generation sequencing could be used to identify the possible cause...
In response, we developed a suite of technologies for diagnosing and treating Canine Cognitive Dysfunction (CCD) that naturally displays many of the same clinical signs as human AD dementia [16,17]. Prevalence of CCD rises exponentially with age [18] and CCD is associated with brain atrophy [1...
ADAM23 haplotype analysis To replicate the previous findings in CFA37, we esti- mated the required sample size using the Genetic Power Calculator [20]. The parameters for power calculation derived from our previous article [10]. The statistical power of our study materials were as follows: ...