Trusted cane corso breeders in Texas, Arkansas, and Oklahoma, offering healthy, loyal pups. Visit Corinthian Corsos for your perfect companion!
While the exact price to purchase a Cane Corso from one of the breeders in your area will likely vary, generally this breed is priced between $900 and $2,000. However, there will be some Cane Corsos available from different breeders that cost as much as $8,500. The higher price tag ...
Some breeders andpet ownersaddress their Corso with a steely-gray tone as blue Cane Corso. Blue and gray are used interchangeably by most Corso lovers. Perhaps it’s simply because blue sounds more exotic and exciting than gray. Gray Corsos also have a dilute gene that causes them to appear...
Phantom Corsos, the leading Cane Corso breeders Texas, is an elite breeder. Our decades of experience helped us to place premium puppies.
Cane Corso is a medium-large sized dog belonging to the Molossus family. It is a pure and ancient breed from Italy. Italian Mastiff and Cane di Macellaio are
breed dogs, and DNA tests, this helps ensures stricter breeding programs and singles out the dogs who should and should not be breeding with more clarity. I find it's also a great excuse to travel to Europe when choosing Cane Corso puppies for sale, from one of our selected breeders. ...