Excess fructose is tied to high blood pressure, soaring triglycerides and fatty liver disease. Studies show that people who consume the most fructose are more likely to put on weight around the abdomen. This “visceral” fat surrounds your organs and is closely linked to heart disease and diabet...
Information about Candy Heart Grapes including applications, nutritional value, taste, seasons, availability, storage, restaurants, cooking, geography and history.
Raisins There's always that one house that hands out boxes of raisins in place of candy. What's meant to be a healthy treat for your kids, however, can beunsafe for your pets. All types of raisins and grapes are known to cause kidney failure in dogs. While less common, according to...
Healthy-ish Halloween Candy Halloween just wouldn’t be the same without a little indulgence. Here are some better-for-you goodies to help you scratch that sugar itch. Photo: Life's Grape 2 / 11 Life's Grape Taster's Collection Vine-dried grapes (similar to raisins) with dark chocolate ...