If you think something such as a CD or film has no real value, you can say that it is candyfloss .She took to writing candyfloss romances... 她开始写些风花雪月的言情小说。candyfloss culture 棉花糖文化spun sugarn.拔丝糖(用于装点食物和制作棉花糖的糖丝)spun 英 [spʌn] 美 [spʌn...
If you think something such as a CD or film has no real value, you can say that it is candyfloss . She took to writing candyfloss romances... 她开始写些风花雪月的言情小说。 candyfloss culture 棉花糖文化 spun sugar n.拔丝糖(用于装点食物和制作棉花糖的糖丝) ...