Episode 01 (Level 001~010):糖果城镇 (Candy Town) 找到离开城市的路去环游世界Episode 02 (Level 011~020):糖果工厂 (Candy Factory)帮助机器人重新启动工厂。Episode 03 (Level 021~035):柠檬水湖 (Lemonade Lake) 用柠檬水装满空空的龙湖。Episode 04 (Level 036~050):巧克力山脉 (Chocolate Mountains)...
Level 1 tips & cheats Its the first level of candy crush that is basically to teach you the way you need to play the whole game. As you know you needed just 300 points that is the pretty easy because from 40 candies and 6 moves you can easily score more. So if you match 3 candie...
糖果传奇 Candy Crush level #开心消消乐 #解压小游戏 #一起玩游戏 - 薛定谔的棉花糖于20201225发布在抖音,已经收获了221个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
一、Candy Crush Saga无限生命修改方法: 1、用PP助手、itools等软件打开candycrushsaga文档,路径为: /var/mobile/Applications/每个设备不一样/candycrushsaga.app/res/common /candycrushsaga.app/res/common/levels 进入candycrushsaga.app,进入res文件夹,再进入common文件夹,用记事本等打开tweakdata.prop文件, 找到...
02:58 Candy Crush Saga Level 1531 2019-12-30 17:16 FAPtv Cơm Nguội Tập 70 - Tuổi Thơ Dữ Dội 2019-12-29 684:38 法語教學 11 heures 24 minutes 2019-12-23 685:19 法語教學 11 heures 25 minutes 2019-12-23 684:47 法語教學 11 heures 24 minutes (1) 2019-12...
在King发布改变手机游戏历史的Candy Crush Saga(后面简称candy)之前,提到三消游戏我们大多都只会想到宝石迷阵。但是King通过近乎完美的底层设计,丰富的特殊元素以及全新的多种关卡模式,把三消游戏从一个消费模式的游戏,变成了一个可以一直玩下去的、消费内容(关卡)的游戏,而三消的关卡设计也应运而生。
42 -- 1:16 App 【Acacia】Candy Crush level 7 25 -- 1:20 App 【Acacia】Candy Crush level 13 41 -- 1:00 App 【Acacia】Candy Crush level 2 52 -- 1:15 App 糖果传奇 Candy Crush level 98 29 -- 0:56 App 【Acacia】Candy Crush level 4 32 -- 2:51 App 糖果传奇 Candy Cru...
Suzy is a minor character in Candy Crush Saga. She is a giraffe and encountered in the 37th episode, Sticky Savannah. Before introducing level 531, when Tiffi meets up with her, all of her spots are missing, and as such, she believes her life is now over
Candy Crush have almost 14000 levels plus extra dreamworld levels that have the Odus owl which you need to protect by balancing the moon. You might find lot of different requirement for every level and some new items include after few levels but few things that always help to pass all the ...
-, 视频播放量 106、弹幕量 0、点赞数 0、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 0、转发人数 1, 视频作者 Acacia77777, 作者简介 这个人不神秘,但TA真不知道写啥,相关视频:糖果传奇 Candy Crush level 88,糖果传奇 Candy Crush level 136,糖果传奇 Candy Crush level 114,糖果传奇