Define candy apple. candy apple synonyms, candy apple pronunciation, candy apple translation, English dictionary definition of candy apple. or candied apple n. A whole apple that is covered with a sweet coating, usually a bright red, cinnamon-flavored su
The car has a bucket load of rust cut out, a bunch of subtle body mods, candy apple red paint with silver scallops and a metalflake silver roof. The author says that he would like to fit some kind of stereo for those long trips.Motor...
A WORLD AWAY FROM CANDY-APPLE REDA WORLD AWAY FROM CANDY-APPLE REDWhen itomeso lowriders,here's nothingico Duranasn'teen,ut driveshaft inheedfn Elaminoayeirst. Yet when worn-outlassicndoon-to-beustom lowrider '66 Elaminoolled intoishop-Duran's Quality Painting inaldwin Park,A-that's ex...
所属专辑:Let' s Paint The Town Red-Various Artists 音频列表 1 Drag Strip-Various Artists 20 2018-08 2 Darn Dem Bones-Various Artists 7 2018-08 3 Dig That Ford-Various Artists 11 2018-08 4 Pink Pedal Pusher-Various Artists 17 2018-08 ...
你知道糖葫芦吗?形式和那个差不多,只不过糖衣里包的是苹果,这在国外的超市里可以买到的,就叫做candy apple。我去wikipedia上确认过了,的确是它,还有图片,相信你去google上查图片也能查得到的。所以应该翻译成糖衣苹果更确切些吧!
Hey Guys'. I'm curious about transparent paint and figured instead of starting a new thread I'd just resurect this one. My question here, and I'm a Createx user, if you for instance spray gold (after priming) and overcoat it with red, will the result be red with gold hi-lites?
The Bronco was restored about 20 years ago and has the desirable 302 cubic inch V8 engine with a 2 barrel carburetor. Supposedly, less than 2,300 were delivered in this bright candy apple red paint. There are some bubbles in the paint and the floor boards are barely holding on. The engi...
Define candy-stripe. candy-stripe synonyms, candy-stripe pronunciation, candy-stripe translation, English dictionary definition of candy-stripe. adj having narrow coloured stripes on a white background candy stripe n Collins English Dictionary – Complet
Nikon D3X, D4 and D800 50mm f/1.4G AF-S NIKKOR, 24-70mm f/2.8G ED AF-S NIKKOR, 85mm f/1.4D AF NIKKOR, 70-200mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR NIKKOR, 200mm f/2G ED-IF AF-S VR NIKKOR, Post production on Mac Pro's/ Wacom A3 Intuos / Apple 30" , Studio strobes Bowens with...
分享3赞 音平商城吧 音哥♂ 依班娜(Ibanez)GRX55电吉他-音平商城品牌:Ibanez 颜色:Apple Red 琴身材料:椴木(Basswood) 琴身漆面:聚氨酯 琴桥:FAT-6琴桥 硬件:镀铬 颜色:Candy Apple 型号全称:GRX55 系列:GIO 特点1:白色圆点状镶嵌品记 特点2:黑色护板 琴颈拾音器:Std.H (H) 琴颈拾音器 (被动... 分享...