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“Piercing line”and“dark cloud cover” –These reversal patterns are mirror images of one another and are close relatives of the engulfing patterns except that the current candle’s body does not engulf the previous candle. Instead, the market has a gap opening, then moves sharply in the op...
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Download this Chart (PDF) “Nick and the Candlestick” Introduction Sylvia Plath's “Nick and the Candlestick” is a free verse poem told from the perspective of a woman who has recently given birth. As she nurses her son, the speaker expresses her struggle to navigate early motherhood by...
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The downloadable file has been updated. The changes that have been made can be seen on the screen print below:Additional images of tutorial 23 applied to @YM and @NQ charts (click to see larger images): If you have the typing stamina you can enter the following (or for $...
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