Justice Minister Gideon Sa'ar on Thursday afternoon published the list of 24 candidates for judicial positions on the Supreme Court. Four new judges will be selected from the list, comprised of candidates nominated by three members of the Judicial Selection Committee, the Minister of Justice or th...
Trump's top contenders for the vacancy are Kavanaugh, Kethledge and Barrett, according to reports. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, the court's current longest-serving member and second-oldest justice, announced last week that he is retiring. Kennedy is widely thought to be a mode...
WASHINGTON, Sept. 17 (Xinhua) -- Some Democratic presidential candidates have called for impeaching Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh after new revelation of his alleged sexual misconduct, but senior Democrats in Congress have turned down the request. "He must be impeached," Kamala Harris, U....
Kimberly Atkins
Two sitting state district court judges,Katherine Bidegarayof Sidney andDan Wilsonof Kalispell, are vying for the associate justice position currently held by Justice Dirk Sandefur. In the other race, Broadwater County AttorneyCory Swansonand former federal magistrateJeremiah “Jerry” ...
In fact, two of the four criminal cases against him were brought by state prosecutors independent from the Justice Department. Harris responded by referencing the Supreme Court ruling in July expanding presidential immunity from prosecution. She warned that a second Trump term wou...
The candidates under consideration as a permanent replacement for Comey: __ SEN. JOHN CORNYN Cornyn is the No. 2 Senate Republican and a former Texas attorney general and state Supreme Court justice. He has been a member of the Senate GOP leadership team for a decade and serves on the ...
And then there's Donald Trump, who lashed out at the Supreme Court's decision on Twitter: Once again the Bush appointed Supreme Court Justice John Roberts has let us down. Jeb pushed him hard! Remember! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)June 26, 2015 ...
Judith Nakamura (R) - Ex-StateSupreme Court Justice & Ex-District Judge Next State Constitutional Officer Elections in 2026. LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR: Howie Morales (D)*- (Campaign Site) SECRETARY OF STATE: [Maggie Toulouse Oliver (D)*- Term-Limited in 2026. ] ...
WASHINGTON (AP) –Most of the Republican presidential candidates want to wipe away lifetime tenure for federal judges, cut the budgets of courts that displease them or allow Congress to override Supreme Court rulings on constitutional issues. ...