If the database engineer attaches a candidate key to the table composed of arbitrary alphanumerical input, that candidate key will do the same thing that the time and terminal super key attribute combination does, with just one column. With all of this in mind, the use of a candidate key c...
Let us see the definition of Candidate Key again (Candidate Key is a Super Key whose no proper subset is a superkey) From the above definition,XYZ is not a candidate key, as in Step 2 and 3 we found that XY and X are also Super Key (i.e., subset of XYZ are also SK which vio...
Definition of Candidate Key Asuper keythat is a proper subset of another super key of the same relation is called aminimal super key.The minimal super key is calledCandidate key. Like super key, a candidate key also identifies each tuple in a table uniquely. A candidate key’s attribute ca...