withdrew ... candidacy•Seligsonwithdrew his candidacyand wrote a bitingletterto Harleston.•Vince Tobinwithdrew his candidacyfor the job after both men gotdeaththreatsfrom Ditkafanatics. Pictures of the day What are these? Click on the pictures to check....
was without money or family connections.But a group of churches had offered me a job as a community organizer for $13,000 a year.And I accepted the job, sight unseen, motivated then by a single, simple, powerful idea—that I might play a small part in building a better America.My wor...
family connections. But a group of churches had offered me a job as a community organizer for the grand sum of 13,000 dollars a year. And I accepted the job, sight unseen, motivated then by a single, simple, powerful idea: that I might play a small part in building a better America...
The investigative report by a special investigator into the affair surrounding the discovery of secret government documents in Biden’s private rooms also painted an unfavorable picture of the president. Investigator Robert Hur wrote that Biden was a “well-meaning older man with a poor memory....
know,Iamnotanativeofthisgreatstate.ImovedtoIllinoisovertwodecadesago.Iwas ayoungmanthen,justayearoutofcollege;IknewnooneinChicago,waswithoutmoney orfamilyconnections.Butagroupofchurcheshadofferedmeajobasacommunity organizerfor$13,000ayear.AndIacceptedthejob,sightunseen,motivatedthenbya ...
his handling of illegal immigration during his time as governor. “He put glasses on so people will think he’s smart. It just doesn’t work. People can see through the glasses,” Trumpsaidat at campaign stop in South Carolina on Tuesday. “I say he did a lousy job on the border.”...
As the video made its way around social media, questions about Nixon’s intentions piled up along with theSex and the Cityjokes. The politeraticouldn’t help but wonder: What was the meaning of this quixotic gambit? Was it a stunt, like Kid Rock running for Senate? Or a vanity play by...
As the video made its way around social media, questions about Nixon’s intentions piled up along with theSex and the Cityjokes. The politeraticouldn’t help but wonder: What was the meaning of this quixotic gambit? Was it a stunt, like Kid Rock running for Senate? Or a vanity play by...