A colon polyp is a small growth that can develop anywhere in the large intestine. Colon polyps are often precancerous, but unlike other precancerous indicators in the body, they can easily be removed as they are found during a colonoscopy — a cancer screening that internally examines the en...
Gut microbiome changes linked to precancerous colon polyps肠道微生物组变化与癌前结肠息肉有关 souyou 科研新闻,不定期更新!马萨诸塞州综合医院的调查人员的一项新研究将某些类型的肠道细菌与癌前结肠息肉的发展联系起来。他们的研究结果发表在《细胞-主机-微生物》上。 "研究人员已经做了很多工作来了解肠道微生物...
Sa1051 FREQUENCY OF RIGHT-SIDED PRECANCEROUS POLYPS REMAINS HIGH DESPITE ABSENCE OF POLYPS IN THE LEFT COLONdoi:10.1016/j.gie.2018.04.1402Mohammed F. AliDaniel M. KimWilliam E. KarnesGastrointestinal Endoscopy
LDH isozyme patterns in tumors, polyps, and uninvolved mucosa of human cancerous colon. Cancer 49: 80 - 83, 1982.Carda-Abella P, Perez-Cuadrado S, Lara-Baruque S, Gil grande L and Nunez-Puertas A: LDH isoenzyme pattern in tumors, polyps and uninvolved mucosa of human cancerous colon. ...
Streptococcus Mitis Bacteremia and Endocarditis: An Early Sign in Pre-Cancerous Colon Polyps: 1366Sharma, AnujMasood, UmairKahlon, ArunpreetPattar, SundeepIqbal, ShaiganLehmann, DavidOfficial journal of the American College of Gastroenterology | ACG...
Goodwin, Jenifer
S. Carvalho et al., "Comparative study of the optical properties of colon mucosa and colon precancerous polyps between 400 and 1000 nm," Proc. SPIE 10063, 100631L (2017).Carvalho, S., Gueiral, N., Nogueira, E., Henrique, R., Oliveira, L. and Tuchin, V. V., "Comparative study ...