The Benign tumors grow in size and rarely involve a risk to life. With time, the Cancerous cells spread thus invading other body Organs. This invasion deteriorates the health of an individual and makes the treatment tough. The Cancerous tumors require nutrition to grow which is carried for ...
Personalized Cancer Therapy by Rasayu Cancer Clinic offers treatments to cancer patients. Rasayu cancer clinic treats cancer patients by Rasayana Treatment. It provides traditional remedies to cancer patients with modern scientific evidence.
As a parallel can be drawn between the various types of cancers and the similar noted references in the Ayurvedic classical texts, there is a lot of potential to unravel the various treatment modalities mentioned in Ayurveda, which have stood the test of time. With the advent of newer and po...
Aegle marmelos (Beal in Hindi) is commonly found in South Asia. The leaves and other part of plant have been used in traditional medicinal system like Ayurveda and Unani for treatment of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Present study was sought to find the facts for anticancer activity of ...
Ayurveda Science of life Balya Enhancing strength & immunity Bhedan Strong purgative Dhatu Tissue Doshaghnata Property of pacifying an humor Galaganda Swelling of gland in neck region Ghana Solid mass obtained from boiling the decoction Ghrita ...
is a Solanaceae plant commonly called “ashwagandha” in Hindi/Sanskrit and is a small shrub growing in abundance in the subtropics. The leaves and roots are used in Ayurveda, the Indian traditional medicine [4]. The aerial part, particularly the stem, leaves, and calyx, are sparsely covered...