The abnormal cells are even present in the lymph nodes. In this stage, the patient can become silent,reflective and may feel lost. Pyhysical symptoms, such as, Abdominal Pains can be experienced.Stage 4 : The Cancer has spread to other organs from where it started. It is also known as...
In the present study, we explore cancer fear and fatalism among women from six different ethnic backgrounds living in the United Kingdom. We also explore the role of language spoken, migration status, and general fatalistic beliefs in explaining cancer fear and cancer fatalism among ethnic minority...
Cuiet al.[17] found that the most common reason for using Chinese herbal medicine among breast cancer patients was cancer treatment (81.5%), followed by immune system enhancement (12%), metastasis prevention or side effect management (7.9%), and the reduction of menopausal symptoms (4.7%). C...
000 individuals, resulting in 44,000 fatalities globally in 2020 [1]. Radiation is an environmental factor that elevates the risk of developing TC [2]. TC affects mostly females, and most thyroid cancers are discovered through ultrasound without specific clinical symptoms. After surgical treatment ...
tool kit 2.1".After baseline data collection, health education on cervical cancer was imparted using Audio-Visual sources depicting the signs and symptoms, preventive measures, and the significance of getting screened at regular intervals for cervical cancer were exhibited in the local language. Call...
However, heavy private sector presence already exists in many public health systems, even in perceived 'public' or 'community' systems in the Indian states of Tamil Nadu or Kerala. At the same time, the sharp growth of more government-funded regional cancer centres, telemedicine, and private ...
It is due to (1) proximal airway patency, (b) the removal of alveolar air, which produces absorption (atelectasis) or replacement (pneumonia), or (3) the presence of both symptoms. In very rare cases, the air displacement is the result of the marked Interstitial Expansion (Lymphoma). ...
It is due to (1) proximal airway patency, (b) the removal of alveolar air, which produces absorption (atelectasis) or replacement (pneumonia), or (3) the presence of both symptoms. In very rare cases, the air displacement is the result of the marked Interstitial Expansion (Lymphoma). ...
(ReLU), a modification of the traditional ReLU activation function, has been found to improve the performance of LeNet in breast cancer data analysis tasks via addressing the “dying ReLU” problem and enhancing the discriminative power of the extracted features. This has led to more accurate, ...