Cancer Support Vital for Family; Group Helps Carry Burden for Sick KidsRead the full-text online article and more details about "Cancer Support Vital for Family; Group Helps Carry Burden for Sick Kids" - The Queensland Times (Ipswich, Australia), December 17, 2011...
A look at these programs yielded valuable information that RNs and social workers can pass on to their patients and their family members. New York Support Groups New York is home to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Their support groups are run by LCSWs and nurses with expertise and ...
To investigate this, we extracted posts from Twitter (using relevant hashtags), the Lung Cancer Support Group on Facebook and the lung cancer discussion forum for a single month. Interaction Process Analysis revealed that all three platforms were used more for giving than seeking...
There is modest evidence that perceived social support is positively associated with well-being and quality of life. The psychosocial implications of cancer survivorship for family members have not been well studied. Evidence to date suggests that distress in family members persists over 5 years ...
Psychosocial support for adult cancer patients and their families is still very limited. The possible role of a structured group support program for cancer patients and their relatives, the preferred topics, the relevance of anonymity, and the acceptance in general of this type of support was inves...
To maintain a refined and specific focus on the information needs and sources of cancer patients, the following were excluded: (1) articles focusing on information needs and/or information sources for family members of cancer patients, (2) articles focusing on cancer-related information needs or ...
Men with localized prostate cancer often experience urinary, sexual, bowel, and hormonal symptoms; general distress; pain; fatigue; and sleep disturbance. For men in an intimate relationship, these symptoms disrupt couples’ relationships and intimacy. T
The WNT signaling pathway governs critical processes, including determining cell polarity, cell fate, migration, and proliferation. The WNT protein family consists of glycoproteins that are secreted and bind to Frizzled receptor (FZD) proteins, which have seven transmembrane segments. This binding trigger...
HER2, alternatively referred to as ERBB2, belongs to the epidermal growth factor receptor family of receptor tyrosine kinases. Homodimerization or heterodimerization with other members of the HER family results in the autophosphorylation of tyrosine residues within the cytoplasmic domain of the receptors,...
(NCT01051063) and the majority of the patients achieved above-average response durations.24MAGE family proteins are the most widely used immunogenic cancer-testis antigens with heterogeneous expression in tumor cells and poor understanding.16,25A large-scale MAGE-A3 immunotherapy-focused phase 3 trial...