Family Members of Children With Cancer Are Also at Risk for the DiseaseJo Cavallo
In today’s world, more and more people are encountering misfortunes such as natural or man-made disasters, car accidents, broken marriages, serious illness or death of family members. While no one wants to have these things happen, when a friend does go through such a trial, do you know ...
There is modest evidence that perceived social support is positively associated with well-being and quality of life. The psychosocial implications of cancer survivorship for family members have not been well studied. Evidence to date suggests that distress in family members persists over 5 years ...
A look at these programs yielded valuable information that RNs and social workers can pass on to their patients and their family members. New York Support Groups New York is home to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Their support groups are run by LCSWs and nurses with expertise and ...
We are a community of caring people – family members, caregivers, social workers, home aides, visiting nurse organizations, and medical professionals – who are sharing experiences and resource information, discussing our concerns and problems, and exchanging personal stories regarding the plethora of ...
HER2, alternatively referred to as ERBB2, belongs to the epidermal growth factor receptor family of receptor tyrosine kinases. Homodimerization or heterodimerization with other members of the HER family results in the autophosphorylation of tyrosine residues within the cytoplasmic domain of the receptors,...
(收费) half a yuan for each dish cooked. But when coal prices9, they could no longer make ends meet(使收支抵).They charged one yuan for cooking each dish. The kitchen isfree to use during the Spring Festival ev...
To maintain a refined and specific focus on the information needs and sources of cancer patients, the following were excluded: (1) articles focusing on information needs and/or information sources for family members of cancer patients, (2) articles focusing on cancer-related information needs or ...
The purpose of this study was to evaluate a newly developed supportive intervention for family members of patients with lung cancer. Materials and methods A consecutive convenience sample of 25 family members of people with lung cancer received an individualised supportive intervention from a support ...
None of his family members was a match for this stem cell transplant, so the search for a suitable donor was expanded outside of Malaysia at an additional cost, and one was found in Singapore. Daniel underwent another six sessions of radiotherapy and additional rounds of chemotherapy, prior to...