is a world-leading centre for excellence in cancer research. The Institute is core funded by Cancer Research UK (, the largest independent cancer research organisation in the world. We are currently situated at the
In the UK, about 10% of radiologist vacancies are unfilled129. Secondly, there is a marked increase in global imaging demand and workload. In the UK, the CT and MRI workload has been rising by ~10% each year129. Thirdly, there is a relentless drive to improve workflow efficiency, by ...
cancer is the first or second leading cause of death for people aged below 70 in 112 countries out of the 183 countries and is the third or fourth leading cause in 23 other countries [1]. As per the estimation provided by The International Agency for Research on Cancer...
Nanoceria or cerium oxide nanoparticles are characterised as the co-existence of Ce3+and Ce4+with oxygen vacancies on the surface lattice. Depending on the immediate environment, nanoceria exerts antioxidative activities at neutral pH that scavenges reactive oxygen species (ROS) within healthy tissues ...
Surface composition and oxygen vacancies of the Ag-doped spectroscopy (XPS) (PHI-5300 ESCA PerkinElmer, Boston, MTiAO)2. NPs The were peak determined by positions were X-ray photoelectron internally referenced to the C 1 s peak at 284.6 eV. Aqueous behaviour (hydrodynamic size and zeta ...
In the UK many people with cancer and their carers do not have easy access to the welfare benefits to which they are entitled adding further strain to the process of dealing with cancer. It is estimated that nine out of ten cancer patients' households ex
In the UK many people with cancer and their carers do not have easy access to the welfare benefits to which they are entitled adding further strain to the process of dealing with cancer. It is estimated that nine out of ten cancer patients' households ex
including technical, administrative and business development vacancies.Cancer is now the primary cause of death in England and Wales and is set to become the major cause of death in developed countries in the next decade, with up to half of the UK population predicted to develop cancer during ...
Sales of Monsanto’s RoundUp weedkiller reviewed in UK after US ruling on cancer link The World Health Organization’s cancer research agency classified glyphosate as“probably carcinogenic to humans”in 2015. In the US, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) labeled glyphosate a carcinogen in 19...