Fig. 1: Distribution of cancer mortality risk across the mammalian phylogeny. a, CMR in various mammals (scale to bar plots is provided on the left of the graph).b, Violin plots indicating order differences in CMR in orders with a minimum of two species represented. Solid black lines repres...
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CAFs, endothelium cells (EC), and C1Q+TAMs were strongly associated with poor disease-free survival (DFS) rates (Fig. 7A, B, Additional file 12: Table S11). To confirm these findings, we also performed multivariate Cox regression analysis and again demonstrated that CAFs and C1q+ TAMs were...
C Relapse-free survival rates of breast cancer patients with low (n = 1019) or high (n = 1013) expression levels of PNPLA8. The survival curve was obtained from KM-plotter Full size image Next, we performed correlation analysis of the protein levels of PNPLA8 and LPCAT4 with ...
African ancestry is a significant risk factor for advanced prostate cancer (PCa). Mortality rates in sub-Saharan Africa are 2.5-fold greater than global averages. However, the region has largely been excluded from the benefits of whole genome interrogati
Then, the cells incubated with primary antibodies against vinculin or talin-1 (mouse, dilution 1:100; Abcam, Cambridge, UK) in a PBS solution with 1% BSA for 24 h at room temperature, followed by washing and incubation with secondary antibodies (AF488 conjugated anti-mouse IgG, 1:500, ...
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COSMIC Mutational Signatures: OncoKB: Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes (PCAWG) project: The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA):
On the one hand, the sensitivity of screening could be improved to lead to lower interval cancer rates and more effective treatment of patients with breast cancer. On the other hand, the specificity of screening could be increased to reduce the recall rate by minimizing false-positive results, ...