Financial Support Plan Will Aid Cancer PatientsVicky Shaw, Personal
Dying cancer patients are losing out on financial help.The article reports on the condemnation by the Members of Parliament of the National Health Service's failure to inform three-quarters of terminally ill cancer patients that they are entitled to financial assistance from the government in Great...
FINANCIAL stressThe author reflects on the financial stress of cancer patients. Topics discussed include need of steps to restrain cancer costs; importance of establishing communication between doctor and patient about costs of care; and medical and economic consequences of financial d...
Improves Efficiency Providing Financial Incentives for Patients with Cancer to Participate in Their Care Improves EfficiencyProviding Financial Incentives for Patients with Cancer to Participate in Their Care Improves EfficiencyWayne Kuznar
Most hospitals and cancer centers offer some help for patients facing financial challenges, and many are bolstering the assistance they provide. That help might include a counselor who finds drug coupons and connects patients with charities, or a financial planner who helps people scrutinize their in...
She still had three children and one barely a toddler, as she needed to disappear for a day at a time for treatment, but a local woman who had decided to help cancer sufferers where she could, mobilised child care and even financial support for her. ...
A new study on the effects of cancer patients' financial burdens suggests that pharmacists can play a role in easing or preventing some of their stress.
Patients Need Support to Overcome Cancer Poverty; after the Shocking Revelations about the Financial Cost of Cancer to Patients, Elin Jones Says Better Access to Financial Advice Is Needed
This cohort study examines whether there are changes in cost-related care nonadherence and financial hardship among US patients with early-stage
A non-profit cancer foundation in Northeast Georgia that focuses on helping patients and their families to cope with their financial needs. Visit today!