期刊简介:ANNALS OF TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE《转化医学年鉴》(半月刊),创刊于2013年,由国内AME Publishing Company集团以半月刊的形式出版,是一本开放获取、经同行评审的国际性学术期刊,专注实验室、临床和公共健康等多个领域的原创和观察性研究,旨在发表医学研究中最实用、最新的信息,从而开拓读者的视野,促进研究理论与...
今天我们介绍国内期刊——Cancer Biology & Medicine Cancer Biology & Medicine(CBM)CBM是一本开放获取期刊,主要报道国内外肿瘤学领域创新性研究成果和肿瘤领域的前沿进展,关注肿瘤研究的临床转化,会优先发表具有较高临床应用价值的原创性研究。该杂志发表的...
►PLoS One ►Cancer Letters ►Clinical Cancer Research ►Anticancer Research ►Cancer Research ►Oncotarget ►British Journal of Cancer ►New England Journal of Medicine ►International Journal of Oncology ►Carcinogenesis<< Bmc Biotechnology BMC Cardiovascular Disorders >> Top...
息 2020年6月29日,科睿唯安发布了最新版《期刊引证报告》(Journal Citation Reports,简称JCR)。由中国科协主管、中国抗癌协会和天津医科大学肿瘤医院主办的英文期刊Cancer Biology & Medicine (CBM)最新影响因子为5.432。在医学研究与实验类(...
£3400 GBP / €4070 EUR 6. 投稿经验参考 小编选取网上若干有价值的投稿经验供参考:7. 期刊分区 JCR分区(Rank by Journal Impact Factor)中科院分区 8. 近五年影响因子及发文量(含论著及综述)注:发文量(Citable Items)代表文献类型为Article和Review 文章的总数。本文首发于“投稿俱乐部”微信公众号 ...
CBM目前的IF是5.432,在肿瘤领域属于中上层次的分数。其IF在cancer letter及oncogene之下,在国内期刊发力的关键时期,CBM还是有机会超越后者,让自己的影响力更上一个台阶的。 从事肿瘤相关研究的囊泡研究同道们,Cancer Biology & Medicine可以考虑哦! ·期刊官网:www.cancerbiomed.org ·投稿平台:https://mc03./cbm...
actual gains in the practice of cancerdiagnosisand treatment, with notable progress towardpersonalized medicine, in which therapy is tailored to individuals according to biologicalanomaliesunique to their disease. Personalized medicine is considered a promising area of progress yet for modern cancer therapy...
• Epigenomics and Precision Medicine • Next-Generation Therapeutics For any kind of queries, please contact us atcontact@fortunejournals.comorcontactfortunejournals@gmail.com *Impact Factor mentioned on our website is provided byCosmos Foundation, Germany. ...
Richard G. Kibbey, Yale University School of Medicine, USAMioara Larion, National Cancer Institute, Center for Cancer Research, National Institutes of Health, USAJason Locasale, Duke University School of Medicine, USAChristian Metallo, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, USARachel Perry, Yale ...
Functional characterization of genetic alterations is a prerequisite for pancreatic cancer precision medicine. Here, using in vivo CRISPR screens, the authors integrate human cancer genomics and mouse models, identifying that loss of USP15 or SCAF1 accelerates tumor development and leads to reduced infla...