Cancer is a group of diseases in which cells divide continuously and excessively. Cell division is tightly regulated by multiple evolutionarily conserved cell cycle control mechanisms, to ensure the production of two genetically identical cells. Cell cyc
It save me a lot of time. I know repetitive reading is great for the mind, but, at my age and stages of illnesses I’ve enjoy all the shortcuts at my choice of time. Now what you were reading on to hear. I copied the Top Ten Causing foods to avoid and Share with my family ...
This is a two- phase reaction method used to develop AUNPs of 1.5–5.2 nm size range by using organic solvents. The method includes the conversion of the gold salt-containing aqueous solution to organic solvent using phase-transferring agents such as tetraoctylammonium bromide. After this, gold ...
What doctors call delayed presentation is one such choice. Some people are so afraid of cancer they don’t want to face the reality they have it. Consider the elderly man who had trouble urinating, a sign of either an enlarged prostate or possibly prostate cancer. For months he “assiduously...
Ovarian cancer is an aggressive disease that is frequently detected at advanced stages and is initially very responsive to platinum-based chemotherapy. However, the majority of patients relapse following initial surgery and chemotherapy, highlighting the urgent need to develop new therapeutic strategies. ...
Older adults are at high-risk for a post-operative intensive care unit (ICU) admission, yet little is known about the impact of these admissions on quality of life. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of an unexpected post-operative IC
Although not one of the most prevalent cancers, AML is one of the most challenging diseases to treat, and produces extensive relevant research. The disease also generates a lot of interest as it does not change the genetic code of a patient, rather the way that genes are expressed. ...
“At least when it comes to beverages, our message is your best choice is to drink water or an unsweetened beverage,” he said. Most people, though, probably don’t pay much attention to IARC evaluations. The agency has previously classified processed meat like hot dogs and bacon as cancer...
The tumour immune microenvironment is shaped by the crosstalk between cancer cells, immune cells, fibroblasts, endothelial cells and other stromal components. Although the immune tumour microenvironment (TME) serves as a source of therapeutic targets, it is also considered a friend or foe to tumour-...
However, there are other assays currently available on the market and it is unclear whether assay choice may affect the correlation between ctDNA metrics and clinical outcomes. While we included a comparison of ctDNA features with baseline clinical factors, an interesting extension of our work ...