cancer if a woman has no symptoms. No test has been shown to save lives when used in women of average risk. If you have any symptoms that could be ovarian cancer, your doctor may suggest a rectovaginal pelvic exam, a transvaginal ultrasound, or a CA-125 blood test to help find the ...
you should be receiving regular mammograms, but if you are younger and having these symptoms, you can still get a mammogram. Somepeople with dense breastsmay need an ultrasound, which can give a more thorough look at the breast and surrounding area. Song said that...
If cancer is found, imaging tests can show whether it has spread beyond the bladder.CTandMRI scansgive more detailed images of these, and can show the lymph nodes nearby. Anultrasounduses sound waves, instead of radiation, to produce images. Additional imaging tests look for cancer in the lu...
Reports on the potential use of highly focused ultrasound to destroy tumors with a blast of heat. Avoidance of the use of invasive surgery; British scientists' investigation of the technique's use for treating liver cancer; Selectiv...
An ultrasound or MRI may show cysts (fluid-filled pockets) or tumors in your breast. You may be given contrast liquid to help the tumors show up better. Tell the healthcare provider if you have ever had an allergic reaction to contrast liquid. Do not enter the MRI room with anything met...
In this brain tumor collection, 233 patients with glioma (1426 slices), meningioma (708 slices), and pituitary tumor (930 slices) have 3064 T1-weighted contrast-enhanced pictures. 82 patients provided a dataset of 7909 photos from their breast cancer histopathology, including both benign and malig...
An x-ray, ultrasound, CT, or MRI may be used to take pictures of your thyroid gland. You may be given contrast liquid to help your thyroid show up better. Tell the healthcare provider if you have ever had an allergic reaction to contrast liquid. Do not enter the MRI room with anythin...
A pelvic ultrasound can often detect bladder cancer, even when they are being done for other reasons because the bladder needs to be full to create clear pictures of all the organs and structures in the pelvis, which in turn creates a clear picture of the bladder. Cysts and tumors within ...
Ultrasound, CT, or MRIpictures will show the location and size of the cancer. Pictures may also show if cancer has spread to other places in your body. You may be given contrast liquid to help the cancer show up better in pictures. Tell the healthcare provider if you have ever had an...
X-ray, ultrasound, CT, or MRI pictures may show the tumor size and location. The pictures may also show if the cancer has spread to other places in your body. You may be given contrast liquid to help your bladder, kidneys, and ureters show up better in pictures. Tell the healthcare ...