56Brazil4.15117No Macedonia2.27178Bolivia0.89 57Turkmenistan4.10118Jordan2.26179Bahamas0.83 58Central Africa4.02119Sudan2.23180Vanuatu0.61 59Mozambique3.85120Australia2.22181Gambia0.01 60France3.84121DR Congo2.21182Sao Tome0.01 61Lesotho3.76122Qatar2.20183Belize0.00 ICD-10 CODES: C00-C14...
"It is estimated that around 151,000 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in Australia by the end of 2021, which is an increase from around 47,500 cases in 1982. However, there has been a 5% decrease in the incidence rate over recent years from the peak of 508 cases per 100,000 p...
New research has revealed for the first time what impact cutting back on drinking and smoking as a population would have on Australia's cancer death rate. Researchers from the Centre for Alcohol Policy Research (CAPR), La Trobe University, found reducing tobacco and alcohol consumption rates as...
Objective: To measure progress, over the past decade, in reducing the disadvantage in cancer death rates among people living in regional and remote areas of Australia. Design: Analysis of routinely collected death certificate and corresponding population data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. ...
Objective: To measure progress, over the past decade, in reducing the disadvantage in cancer death rates among people living in regional and remote areas of Australia.Design: Analysis of routinely collected death certificate and corresponding population data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.Setti...
, Middle Eastern nations, Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, China, Japan, South and North Korea, Turkey, South Africa, Argentina, Uruguay, and Cuba. Other countries with high death rates for males (126 or above per 100,000 people) include the United States, Canada, Brazil, and Australia....
Age-specific breast cancer mortality rate Australia 2016 Published by Statista Research Department, Apr 3, 2024 This statistic shows the age-specific breast cancer mortality rate in Australia in 2016. That year, about 121.2 out of every 100,000 people aged 85 years or older in Australia died...
Editor’s Picks Current statistics on this topic Diseases Most common cancers diagnosed Australia 2023 Diseases Incidence rate of melanoma Australia 2023, by age group State of Health Leading causes of death Australia 2021, by gender Recommended statistics Overview Incidence and prevalence Mortality Risk...
The US cancer mortality rate was higher than that of 6 other countries, at 86.3 deaths per 100 000. Korea had the lowest cancer mortality rate, at 75.5 deaths per 100 000. Consistent with cancer being a major cause of death in the elderly population,40 life expectancy at age 60 was...
Although the HPV vaccine holds promise to nearly eliminate cervical cancer with complete population coverage, U.S. vaccination rates remain far below those in other high-income countries: 57% of U.S. adolescent females are up to date vs ...