We also calculated the attributable fraction (AF) or proportion of cases which occur due to exposure using the following formula:AF=CIe−CIuCIewhere CIe was the cumulative incidence among the exposed population and CIu is the cumulative incidence in nonexposed only. 2.4. Uncertainties in cancer ...
Diagnostic work up of the patients include a physical examination of patient that involves a pelvic and rectovaginal examination. Additionally, radiographic imaging such as trans vaginal ultrasonography, abdominal ultrasonography, CT, MRI or PET scans are used [15]. Ovarian carcinoma antigen (CA125) ...
Lynch HT, de la Chapelle A:Hereditary colorectal cancer. N Engl J Med. 2003, 348:919-32.10.1056/NEJMra012242 Fernández-Marcelo T, Sánchez-Pernaute A, Pascua I, De Juan C, Head J, Torres-García AJ, Iniesta P:Clinical relevance of telomere status and telomerase activity in colorectal ...
Centre d’Investigation Clinique-EC Antilles Guyane (CIE 802 Inserm), Teaching Hospital of Pointe-à-Pitre, Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe Benoît Tressieres Cancer Registry of Martinique (AMREC), Fort de France, Martinique Jacqueline Veronique-baudin Cancer Registry of Guadeloupe, Teaching Hospital of...
p o sto p erative qu ality o f life tha n o pe n g astrecto m y 【 , . Th e p re sen t m ultiv a ria te a n aly sis re v ea le d tha t a tu m o r la rge r tha n 2 .0 cm ,sub m uco s al in v a sio n ,a nd the pre se n ce o f LV 1 ...
2rueMartinLutherKing,87042LimogesCedex,France c Oncomedics,1Avenued’Ester,87069Limoges,France d UniversitédeLimoges,Institut145GEIST,EA3842“Homéostasiecellulaireetpathologies”,FacultédePharmacie,LaboratoiredeChimieAnalytiqueet Bromatologie,87025LimogesCedex,France articleinfo Articlehistory: Received10March...
The cell line was grown in DMEM:F-12 that was supplemented with 10% (v/v) FBS, 1% penicillin/streptomycin and 0.005 mg/mL insulin. The cells were cultivated in 75 cm2 culture flasks at 37 ◦C in humidify atmosphere of 95% air and 5% CO2. When the cells had approximately reached ...
((BB)) RReellaattiviveefrferqeuqeunecnycdyisdtirsibtruibtiuontisoonfsroecferpetcoerpttoorrectoeprteocreptor distances within the detected clusters of ErbB2 (left) and ErbB3 (right); for comparison see Figure 1B: distan(ac)ensown-ittrheiantetdhecodnetrtoelc;t(ebd) acfltuerstneerusroegf ...
made at discharge. In total, 16.3% of the episodes were re-admissions and the in-hospital mortality rate was 4.2%, as shown inTable 1. By location, 24.1% of the tumors were in the rectum, 23.5% in the sigmoid colon, 10.8% in the rectosigmoid junction, and the remainder in the ...
tain morHe ealfcacnudraettealr.e[s6u]lstus.ggAesctceodrda ignegnettoicathlleyspeearsuotnhaolrizse, dgeinntertipcrectoartiroenctoiof nPSoAf sPeSruAmselervuemls tloevoebltsaicnould decrmeaosre tahcecunruamtebreersuolftsp.oAtecncotiradllinyguntonethcessesaaruytbhioorps,sigeesnbeyticapcoprrroexc...