β-Catenin is emerging as an important oncogene in the transformation of a number of epithelial cancers, and mutations have been reported in a small study of endometrioid ovarian adenocarcinomas. Mutations in the NH2-regulatory domain of β-catenin stabilise the cytoplasmic levels of this pro...
El cáncer de mama, el cáncer del endometrio y el cáncer intestinal han aumentado entre las mujeres, ocurriendo lo mismo con el cáncer intestinal y el cáncer de próstata entre los hombres. UN-2 Lung cancer is the biggest cancer killer, followed by cancers of the breast, prostate, ...
•StanleyBoyd,quehabíaobservadoeltrabajodeBeatson •Informólosresultadosde54pacientesconooforectomía •Entreelloslaprimeraooforectomíaadyuvante,en1897 •Fueelprimeroensentenciar •Larelacióndelafunciónováricayelcáncerdemama •Unterciosebeneficiaba ...
Wright K, Wilson P, Morland S, Campbell I, Walsh M, Hurst T, Ward B, Cummings M, Chenevix-Trench G: Beta-catenin mutation and ex- pression analysis in ovarian cancer: exon 3 mutations and nuclear translocation in 16% of endometrioid tumours. Int J Cancer 1999, 82:625- 629...
Furthermore, a time-course analysis of gene transcription during androgen deprivation was performed based on microarray data and DMRs, MDEGs, and DEmiRNAs were validated. In total, 18,447 DMRs, 3369 MDEGs, 850 PMDEGs, and 1 MDEmiRNA (miR-429) were identified. A TF-target network (94 PM...