Cancel Adobe trial or subscription Creative services Collaboration and storage services Projects Organize libraries Creative Cloud mobile apps Enterprise and teams Adobe Content Authenticity If you purchased from Adobe, learn how to cancel your plan or free trial. If you purchased elsewhere,...
检查计划详情,然后选择继续取消。 说明取消的原因,然后选择继续。 查看取消详情,然后选择确认取消。 注意: 请务必检查您的电子邮件以进行确认。您还可以检查帐户页面以验证是否已完成取消。 取消团队计划 了解如何取消 Creative Cloud 团队版订阅。 取消费和退款 ... here: you have trouble canceling, please go to Adobe Customer Service (Make sure to sign in to your Adobe account first and allow pop...
make sure you're aware of the cancellation terms by selecting your plan type (at the top of the page here), info on how to cancel your subscription, this page describes the few steps involved, https://...
Adobe got their hand slapped recently, and when I went to cancel Creative Cloud a few weeks ago the process was MUCH easier than I'd heard it used to be. Reactions: frenchcamp49er coffeemilktea macrumors 65816 Nov 25, 2022 1,480 6,465 Oct 17, 2024 #50 Executives at Adobe...
如果是直接从 Adobe 处购买的订阅 您可以随时取消该 Creative Cloud 计划订阅。下面是操作方法: 使用您的 Adobe ID(通常是您的电子邮件地址)和密码登录到 Adobe ID 帐户。 在“计划”下,为您要取消的计划订阅单击“管理计划”。 如果未显示“管理计划”,请联系 Adobe 客户关怀部门,以取消您的订阅。
A.I hear that all the time. I think it’s a very fair way for Adobe to handle it, and for some folks, it really took a level of worry away about subscribing to the CC versions in the first place. Hope you found that helpful. ...
如果您是從 Adobe 購買的,請了解如何取消計劃或免費試用。如果您是在其他地方購買的,請直接與購買的店家聯絡。
Go to Select Manage plan for the plan you want to cancel. Cancel your trial or subscription from the Plans screen. Select Cancel your plan. Change, upgrade, or cancel your trial or subscription. Note: (Can’t find the Cancel your plan option? The optio...
if you have trouble with the self-cancel described above, make sure you're aware of the cancellation terms by selecting your plan type (at the top of the page here), and then contact adobe support.ther...