地址: Shop 531, Level 1, Canberra Outlet Centre, Fyshwick, ACT 2609 类型: 服饰鞋包 电话: +61 2 6280 4828 营业时间: 全年10:00-17:00 附近的购物地 更多 堪培拉奥特莱斯 4条点评 一百米以内 Bose(堪培拉店) 1条点评 距离0.1km Chemist Warehouse 1条点评 距离0.2km 旅游攻略导航 菲什...
Canberra Plaza Features A Water Play Park & First A&W Outlet In SembawangUpdate (2 Dec, 4pm): A post on the Canberra Plaza Facebook page on Tuesday (1 Dec) confirmed that the mall will open on 18 Dec.–We believe you can never have too many shopping destinations, so if you’re ...