Canberra Imaging is a local diagnostic imaging provider in Canberra, Queanbeyan and Goulburn, dedicated to service excellence for over 60 years.
as a record, a document, a reflection of the world around us; and photography as the product of imagination, storytelling and illusion. On occasion, photography operates in both realms of the real and the imagined.
Welcome to the Canberra Heel Pain Institute. CHPI focuses on a very common issue in the foot, Heel Pain. CHPI is dedicated to bringing you relief fast.
Canberra Industries was founded in 1965 by Emery Olcott and Chuck Greer. I joined the company in 1967 and have spent almost 50 years working there, the last 10+ years on a part time basis. Approaching the 50th anniversary of the founding of Canberra in 2015, I volunteered to write a bri...
分享回复1 依竹留学吧 路过的风的春天 澳大利亚堪培拉大学堪培拉大学(University of Canberra)是澳大利亚新兴综合类大学之一,英联邦大学协会成员 [1] ,创建于1967年,位于澳大利亚的首都堪培拉。堪培拉大学因其在应用研究和教学方案上十分注重专业化的需要而声名显赫。教学模式灵活多样,开设的学位课程... 分享回复赞 金吉...