Recent works propose Networks on Chip (NoC) as the communication architecture that will be able to provide scalability and performance for communication in future SoCs. Even if NoC performance easily exceeds the per- formance of buses, NoCs have throughput limited to a fraction of the nominal net...
Canais de RF em uma rede sem fio empresarial da Cisco Objetivo Este artigo explica os canais de radiofreqüência (RF) junto com como/por que você pode querer alterá-los ao gerenciar uma rede Cisco Business Wireless (CBW) tradicional ou em malha. Se você não está familiarizado com ...
Boa Vista cityThis work aims to evaluate the effects of urbanization on the drainage network of the Caran stream in the Boa Vista city in Roraima state. The study included the basins of the Caran stream, which drains the urban area, and Carrapato stream, located adjacent to this city and...