This is the place to take children for thete history lesson. Its ALL Canadian! About Canada in truthful display with NO American bull. To the men and women who keep this historic site alive, me hat goes off to you. Suggest edits to improve what we show.Improve this l...
Most of these people lost hope and became anxious and depressed because there was not enough food. Occupational therapists were called upon to help WW1 Veterans adjust to civilian life. During WW2 women began working more in the health care field, the need for Occupational therapists were at an...
Posted inHistory,New Hampshire Women,Structures|TaggedAugustin,Augustina,Augustine,boarding,Canada,Canadian,Claudine,convent,Daniel Little,farmhouse,French,Goffstown,High School,language,New Hampshire,NH,nun,Religious of Jesus and Mary,school,Villa,Villa Augustina|5 Comments ...
1. Canuck The word Canuck is one of my favourites. This term referes to Canadians. We have the Vancouver Canucks, one of Canada’s most beloved hockey teams, and in the 1980s, our downhill skiers who dominated the World Cup circuit were called the Crazy Canucks, and I am personally a...
October is Women’s History Month in Canada and instead of writing aboutthe usual suspects, I thought I would take a look at the life of a lesser known female figure in Canadian history. Alice Freeman (1857-1936), better known as “Faith Fenton,” was a schoolteacher turned popular invest...