The 2023 Canadian forest fires have been extreme in scale and intensity with more than seven times the average annual area burned compared to the previous four decades1. Here, we quantify the carbon emissions from these fires from May to September 2023 o
Forest Ecosystems 2: 1.El-Guellab A, Asselin H, Gauthier S, Bergeron Y and Ali A A 2015 Holocene variations of wildfire occurrence as a guide for sustainable management of the northeastern Canadian boreal forest For. Ecosyst. 2 1-7El-Guellab, A., Asselin, H., Gauthier, S., Bergeron,...
HALIFAX — After last summer's heat waves, deadly floods and record-breaking wildfires, some scientists are urging Canadian health professionals to help their patients better prepare for climate change-related extreme weather and natural disasters. Blair Feltmate, head of the Intac...
Diverse forest structural changes (composition, canopy height, density, etc.) likely explain the variability in diameter at a given age. Cattle do not appear to affect tree growth as it is similar inside and outside the fenced area, but they control the regeneration of nonnative Austrian black...
In the pristine landscape, large-scale and long-term changes in forest dynamics owing to wildfires, combined with an aggregated pattern of huge bog complexes, presumably provide both grouse species with enough time and space to build up bigger lek populations than in the managed landscape. Get ...
The nonvascular and vascular plant composition of the early regenerating vegetation present following wildfires and clear-cut logging has been compared separately in three areas of the black spruce (Picea mariana(Mill.) BSP) - feathermoss (Pleurozium schreberi(Brid.) Mitt.)) forest of western and...
Forest Ecosystems 2: 1.El-Guellab A, Asselin H, Gauthier S, Bergeron Y and Ali A A 2015 Holocene variations of wildfire occurrence as a guide for sustainable management of the northeastern Canadian boreal forest For. Ecosyst. 2 1-7El-Guellab, A., Asselin, H., Gauthier, S., Bergeron,...
Forest managementBackground: Cumulative impacts of wildfires and forest harvesting can cause shifts from closed-crown forest to open woodland in boreal ecosystems. To lower the probability of occurrence of such catastrophic regime shifts,forest logging must decrease when fire frequency increases, so that...
Wildfires are currently responsible for one third of all PM emissions in Canada, and Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2015, 12 626 are increasing in frequency, duration and season length, contributing to heart and respiratory illnesses [33,47,48]. Figure 1. Expected health risks posed ...