And "ttyl” means "talk to you later". Can you guess the meaning of "lol"? Itmeans “laugh out loud”.But there's a discussion about whether using abbreviations can have bad effects on studentslearning. Some people believe the abbreviations are giving students wrong spelling habits. Some...
Finally,365 Prophetic Revelations from the Hebrew CalendarbyCandice Smithyman(I checked her name spelling) was $31.99, but with 400 pages softcover and the option (margin) of doing an “our price” as we do with hardcovers from select publishers, I decided to go with this one. ...
Enter your email to receive math teaching tips, resources, Math Mammoth news & sales, humor, and more! I tend to send out these tips about once monthly, near the beginning of the month, but occasionally you may hear from me twice per month (and sometimes less often). ...
Spelling–ourvs.–or British LabourNeighbourColourFlavourFavourandFavouriteHumour American LaborNeighborColorFlavorFavorandFavoriteHumor Spelling British AeroplaneCentreTheatreChequeYogourtPajamasMoustache American AirplaneCenterTheaterCheckYogurtPyjamasMustache Rapunzel “There’snoplace likehome.”--Dorothy Synonyms:...
That paradox is evident in his poetry, which eschews concrete effects, envntric spelling, and neo-surrealism, but delivers in its formal, correct language a complex vision of a world of danger, tiansforma- tion, humour, and pain. His poem "White Dwarfs" begins: "This is for people who ...