In ‘MY Boy is dead’, a moving poem by tour great WW1 poet H Smalley-Sarson, I read this line :‘THe day he got his Blue’. Does it refer to a diplma at the uned of University ? SOS I am translating WW1 poems by Canadians, soldiers or civilians … Thank you very much Reply...
Battlefield Experience - Extensive WW1 Tour not to be missed. Cruiser02656509543 0contributions See all 106 reviews My wife and I did this tour with Claude. Two points to put peoples minds at ease. First, is that he was on time and his vehicl...
There was no consensus among families regarding the question of cemeteries being maintained in perpetuity. Lively debates about the war graves issue took place in many parliamentary institutions. Speakers appealed to the humanity and compassion of politicians, so that the families of fallen soldiers cou...