Canada's soldiers in the Second World War did not receive the same acclaim from historians as the Canadian Corps in the Great War. Some of the blame for this rests on official historian C.P. Stacey, but some also rests on the loss of leadership material to the Royal Canadian Navy and...
The O'Leary Collection; Medals of The Royal Canadian Regiment. Researching Canadian Soldiers of the First World War Researching The Royal Canadian Regiment The RCR in the First World War Badges of The RCR The Senior Subaltern The Minute Book (blog) Rogue Papers Tactical Primers The Regimental Li...
First World War The relatively small number of motorized vehicles and their limited application in combat meant that complicated schemes of tactical and other markings were not required; nonetheless, there were the first beginnings of marking schemes as seen in the Second World War. Canadian tanks ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook English Canadian (redirected fromEnglish-Canadian) English Canadian n (Peoples) a Canadian citizen whose first language is English, esp one of English descent Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 19...
Define native Canadian. native Canadian synonyms, native Canadian pronunciation, native Canadian translation, English dictionary definition of native Canadian. n. Canadian. 1. a person born in Canada of American Indian or Inuit descent. 2. any person bor
which the British and French then used as an excuse to "protect" the canal from the waring parties, however, this act of naked aggression failed, leaving Egypt and Israel in a state of war, that could have easily expanded had Lester B Pearson not proposed the first United Nations Peace Ke...
Acadians at War Gregory M.W. Kennedy, Lost in the Crowd: Acadian Soldiers of Canada’s First World War (Montreal and Kingston, McGill-Queen’s Press, 2024)Reviewed by Beverly Boutilier In December 1915, Acadian leaders meeting in […] ...
He brought to life the experiences of the soldiers and leaders during this time with descriptions of where allied and german lines would have been for specific battles. Not only did he present Canadian war memorials but included the Australian, Commonw...
What the rule of law should mean in civics education: from the 'Following Orders' defence to the classroom Sixty years after the International Military Tribunal opened in Nuremberg to try 'major war criminals', how should soldiers learn not to follow clearly ill... Minow1,Martha - 《Journal ...
First World War > Allied Forces > Canadian Expeditionary Force Canadian Expeditionary ForceIn 1914 Canada had just over 3,000 regular soldiers. Based at harbour fortifications, the Canadian Army was backed up by a militia of local volunteers. Expecting a war in Europe, during the summer of 1914...