Safe Withdrawal Rates (essentially, how much of your investment portfolio can you sell off each year to fund your day-to-day spending) How to Withdraw from Your TFSA, RRSP, and Non-Registered Accounts in Retirement How to Handle the RRSP to RRIF Transition Best Low Risk Investments Investing...
Today Canadians are allowed to contribute to RRSPs until age 71, after which point the funds must be converted into a Registered Retirement Investment Fund (RRIF) and gradually withdrawn - triggering tax liabilities. There's only one problem: people don't like drawing down their retirement saving...
When it comes to private pensions, and RRSP/RRIF withdrawals, the Canadian expat tax rules get a bit more complicated. The key thing to always keep in mind (unless you’re an American Citizen) is that taxation usually is based on residence NOT citizenship. How you are taxed when your ...
There is a never-ending stream of proposals to reduce the taxation of deferred savings by, for example, raising the age at which an RRSP must be converted to a RRIF to 75, eliminating mandatory RRIF withdrawals altogether, or exempting the first $160,000 of RRIF savings from withdrawal ...