rights...without much sense in the narrative of how he, otherwise a rather callow young man, came to such epiphanies. In one episode, he (rather anachronistically) defends the rights of women...in the next, happily allows his men to indulge themselves with a bunch of dancer/prostitutes; ...
Selective Progressivism: While you show strong conservative leanings, there might be areas where you support certain progressive ideas, particularly if they align with individual freedoms or rights in a way that doesn’t contradict your core values. For example, if there were policies promoting econo...
The first thing you have to put down in your mind and will be your mantra is this: “You are not alone and you are not a bad person.” Organized stalking is a crime and it is against the basic principle of this country, Canada. Human rights violations is crime in Canada. Harassing ...
There is a major backlash, where students, faculty, and administrators too often either feel that the problem is not very significant or support the patriarchal rights of men. Programs begun by many campuses have not worked very well, partially because they depend on women to police the actions...
Another chapter in the continuing saga of medical assistance in dying (“MAID”) was completed on January 31, 2018 when the Divisional Court of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice ruled on the constitutionality of the “Effective Referral Provisions” of the Human Rights Policy and MAID Policy...
When evaluating if you should hire an immigration lawyer to help you get into Canada with a DUI or other misdemeanor conviction or felony conviction, the first question many people wonder is how much will a Canada TRP lawyer cost? The answer will vary depending on the lawyer as well as the...
Very exciting news from The Canadian Constitution Foundation at a time when governments at all levels are violating our constitutional rights with seeming impunity. The CCF just announced the release of their free 10-part course, “Fundamental Freedoms of the Canadian Constitution....
After Rowswell’s 2017 departure, the Lima Group was born and Canada began working within that coalition — which does not include the United States — to further human rights and democracy in the hemisphere. Maduro’s May 20, 2018 election victory galvanized the Lima Group’s efforts....
When I arrived in Canada more than 40 years ago, I was clueless about this country’s past, so I turned to Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship, in order to pass the citizenship test. This brief and cheery document had a section on history that focused on Europea...
Moreover, it may be argued that the situation represents an abuse of human rights.4 Ironically, the current approach of doing nothing costs government and ultimately taxpayers over $6 billion annually for health care, justice and social services (Laird, 2007). To be sure, the long-term ...