Using a cross-sectional design, a convenience sample of 160 practitioners were recruited from public health agencies across Canada. Respondents completed an online questionnaire assessing TDF constructs and the use of behavioural science theory and approaches (i.e., evidence) in their practice. Logistic...
Ever wondered how your hospital would rate compared to the rest the of country? If you're in Canada then you can do exactly that.
CPPConsultation Publique de Psychanalyse(French: Public Consultation of Psychoanalysis) CPPCertified Purchasing Professional CPPCost per Procedure CPPConflict Prevention Pool(various locations) CPPCertified Professional Purchaser(Purchasing Management Association of Canada) ...
The Canadian Journal of Public Health is dedicated to fostering excellence in public health research, scholarship, policy and practice. The aim of the Journal is to advance public health research and practice in Canada and around the world, thus contributing to the improvement of the health of po...
Acute respiratory disease among the young remains a significant public health issue with potential long term effects. The human papilloma virus is manifesting itself among women across northern Canada with high risk types that are more similar to profiles observed in Europe than in North America with...
Acute respiratory disease among the young remains a significant public health issue with potential long term effects. The human papilloma virus is manifesting itself among women across northern Canada with high risk types that are more similar to profiles observed in Europe than in North America with...
Natural Health Product Research Society of Canada In conjunction with the Canadian Institute of Chinese Medicinal Research The 11th Annual Conference: From... Natural Health Product Research Society of Canada In conjunction with the Canadian Institute of Chinese Medicinal Research The 11th Annual ...
Health Information Roadmap Initiative • Collaboration between Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI), Statistics Canada & Health Canada • Answer two basic questions: –How healthy is Canada’s health care system? –How healthy are Canadians?
nine established alcohol and alcohol policy experts from post-secondary institutions in Atlantic Canada, as well as collaborators from the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA), the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research, and a Chief Medical Officer of Health in Nova Scotia. ...
Institute for Work and Health, Toronto, ON, Canada Peri J. Ballantyne PhD Corresponding author Correspondence to Fergal T. O’Hagan PhD. Additional information Source of funding: Funding provided by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada under the Community-University Research Al...