National Anti-Poverty Organization National Association of Women and the Law (NAWL) National Capital Chinese Community Newsletter Inc. National Families Network National Farmers Union National Golf Course Owners Association National Research Council National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy Nation...
where\({\sum} {E_{{\mathrm{NO}}_X}}\)is the monthly emission rate. Using NOXas an indicator of production is convenient since hourly, daily, and monthly NOXemission rates are available from CEMS measurements. The underlying assumption is that both CO2and NOXemissions are proportional to SC...
Maud Lewis has become one of Canada?s most renowned artists, the subject of numerous monographs, novels, plays, documentaries, and even a feature film. She was born into relative comfort and obscurity, and died in poverty, though enjoying national fame....
It has also been used to interpret machine learning models for remote sensing NO2 estimation (Ghahremanloo et al., 2021), remote sensing poverty mapping (Ayush et al., 2021), and urban vegetation mapping using aerial imagery (Abdollahi & Pradhan, 2021). In this paper, SHAP values are ...
Refocusing on the classroom is of critical importance, especially in a provincial system with constant class disruptions, staggering child poverty, record student exclusions, a literacy crisis, and a sputtering French as a Second Language program. Given the manifold challenges, it’s fair to ask why...
Despite the federal government’s repeated celebration of the success of the Canada Child Benefit in reducing the rate of child poverty from its introduction in 2016 to 2019, almost one in four children in the 10 provinces were living in food-insecure families in 2022 – mor...
Drewnowski and Specter [20] reported that the relationship between obesity and poverty can be explained by the low cost of foods that are energy dense and the taste and acceptability of these foods that are usually high in fat and sugar. Affordability, quality of store-bought perishable foods,...
This result indicates a relationship demonstrated by a concave parabola, where mode share increases in response to increasing accessibility at a non-constant rate until the optimal accessibility value, where a further increase in accessibility has a negative effect on mode share. It is possible that...
Children raised in poverty suffer from a disproportionate amount of health problems, have less education and are more likely to live in poverty as adults. This in turn hurts our economy, as we struggle with higher rates of crime and joblessness, steeper health care costs, fewer income taxes an...
“The employment regulations, whether it’s employment insurance or the labour code, were all formulated in a time when the participation rate of women was basically half of what it is today,” Zarrillo said. “There hasn’t been much change over 50 years in relation to employment insura...