Focuses on the strike by nurses in Canada, seeking raise in pay. Threat to the Quebec health-care system; Passing of a legislation by Premier Lucien Bouchard ordering the nurses to go back to work; Support to the strike by the public.Kondro...
I went back to the nurses’ station and the homeless family in the waiting room.The nurses,complaining about the working Christmas,began to feel pity for a family just trying to get on Christmas.The team went into action,as we do when there’s a emergency, but this was a Christmas emerg...
“Equality issues, environmental issues — those are bigger issues for people now than traditional union collective bargaining . . .” says McGinnis. “I’m old enough to remember when the postal workers union could basically shut the country down by going on strike. And there’s no way...
Two nurses in Australia suspended for reportedly making antisemitic comments 1h ago RE Chicago corn, soy recoup losses; wheat gains on weather woes 1h ago RE China's yuan slips to fresh 3-week low on trade worries 1h ago RE More news ...
Today, such a service is threatened and a number of fingers point to a shortage of nurses as the cause. Nurses in our hospitals are leaving the profession, opting for part-time arrangements, and/or going on strike. We have beds closing down, delays in operations, and reports of in-...