Other relevant resources available to HtH persons include family counseling, funded by the Canadian Mental Health Association, an “on the land camp” offered by the Gwich'in Tribal Council, and other culture based activities offered by both Gwich'in Tribal Council and the Inuvialuit Regional Corpor...
The Front Burner daily podcast covers Canadian news from every province and territory: Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nunavut, Northwest Territories and Yukon. We cover news from major ...
Association des Optometristes du Qu�bec Association Etudiants du College Universit� de Saint-Boniface Association for Research on Mothering Association for Safe Alternatives in Childbirth Association Franco-Yukonnaise Association francophone pour le savoir-Acfas Association of BC Forest Professionals Asso...
Tom Ullyett, pictured, is the first Yukoner to receive the Louis St-Laurent Award of Excellence from the Canadian Bar Association for his work as a community builder and mentor in the territory. (Gabrielle Plonk...
The OptiMSt - A Voice for Yukon Women OutWords Penticton Indian Band Newsletter People for Education Newsletter PIJAC Canada Newsletter priorities - The Feminist Voice in a Socialist Movement Quaker Concern Quality Practice The Ram's Horn Reality Check: The Canadian Review of Wellbeing The Red Mena...
Yukon Health and Social Services SGBA/GBA+ N/A Women’s Directorate The women’s directorate focuses on promoting gender equitable outcomes by: https://yukon.ca/sites/yukon.ca/files/fin/fin-budget2018-womens-directorate.pdf Northwest Territories Health and Social Services SGBA/GBA+ N/A CIHR...
Five of these jurisdictions specify that the ''the fact of death'' is to be ''determined in accordance with accepted medical practice'' for the purposes of organ donation (Alberta,13 British Columbia,14 Ontario,15 Saskatchewan,16 Yukon17). As noted above, the Ontario Court of Appeal 123 ...
∗Newfoundland (n = 5, 0.7%); Yukon Territory (n = 3, 0.4%); Prince Edward Island (n = 2, 0.3%); Northwest Territories (n = 2, 0.3%). 3.1. Awareness of the 2017 Canadian Opioid Guideline Almost all respondents were aware of the 2017 Canadian opioid guideli...
Premier Sandy Silver says passage of the budget means Yukon can focus all resources on fighting COVID-19 and provide spending assurances for the medical community, health, social services and the economy. Canadian dies in Japan from virus
The oil fields at Norman Wells on the Mackenzie River began operation in 1937 (Bone and Mahnic, 1984), and are of historical interest because of the pipeline along the Canol Trail from Norman Wells to the Yukon. Early studies investigated impacts of oil spills on tundra communities (Kershaw...