Avoid cluttering up a graph with too many years worth of data. Zoom in on one year and compare population groups (e.g. age, sex, industry, occupation). Alternatively, download 5+ years of data and graph a time trend (challenge: can you explain the trend?). Statistics Canada data table...
Hi, Ann. I think you’re doing absolutely great frugal things for a person in your age bracket, and keep up the good work. I wish I’d been doing as well when I was 20-something. And your googly-eyed version of Ben Franklin is sending my devious mind places it shouldn’t go, re...
During the same time period, the temperature isotherm shifted by 208 m (Beckage et al. 2008), suggesting a mismatch in environmental change rates relative to species’ capacity to establish in new areas, even along relatively short distances in mountains. Similarly, geographical ranges of two ...
The Top 50 CPVs By Median Advisor Variant Value Issue CPVCoverPrice CPVValue9.2 CGC-Confirmed 1 G.I. Joe, a Real American Hero #21Marvel, 3/1984 $0.75 $670▼$330 99 1st Appearance of Storm Shadow; Silent issueAngelo notes: In 2023: September a 6.0 CGC $235; 8.5 CGC/Jan $392; 8.0...
Demographics of the participants were collected including gender, age, and the education level. Characteristics specific to the vineyard or winery operated by participants were also documented, including the role of the respondent in the vine- yard or winery (grape-grower, winemaker, owner, employee...
Paul Krugman is wasting his time trying to figure out why the rich and powerful don't like inflation. There's a simple answer, that also explains why the non-rich and non-powerful don't like inflation either. And you don't need any fancy...
Table 3 The joint effect of female sex and severe food insecurity on self-reported mood disorders overall and stratified by age Full size table Discussion In this study, adults with food insecurity, moderate or severe, had a significantly higher prevalence of self-reported mood disorder compared ...
The first known ampeliscid (Amphipoda: Ampeliscidae) bed for the Canadian Arctic was reported in 2013 from the Canadian Beaufort Shelf (CBS), but species p
Table 5 Mean Number of Stressors Experienced by Student Status, Full/Part-Time, Gender, Employment Status, and Marital Status Full size table Spearman’s Rho correlation coefficients were calculated to test the association between number of stressors in each category, and age and number of childre...