Wood in the channels of both the Ogeechee (6.46 kg AFDM/m2) and a fourth order tributary (2.24 kg AFDM/m2) were significantly higher than found in their adjacent floodplains. Woody debris appeared to increase in stream channels from smaller tributaries to the sixth order river,...
“With the National Shipbuilding Strategy, we are making sure the Canadian Coast Guard has the equipment and tools they need to carry out its important work, while providing social and economic benefits across the country. This contract with Ocean Industries Inc. will extend the life of the CCGS...
sand and gravel from mass wasting. Partially transport-limited reaches had reduced scour due to lower stream power and armored gravel beds. Complex spawning habitat (i.e., with abundant large woody debris and side channels) was important in providing refuge from deep scour and in buffering ...
(36.7%). The highest yields were from ponds, followed by reservoirs, lakes, and river channels. Yields per unit area greatly increased because of better rearing methods, polyculture, integrated farm - fish pond culture, introductions of new strains and species, and intensification of culture ...
Canadian Aboriginal communities; (2) explore the health researchers and decision-makers’ perceptions of the value of research evidence and Traditional Knowledge within this context and; (3) identify the preferred communication channels for disseminating and receiving research based evidence on these ...