Sumner, W. (2001), `Hate speech and the law: a Canadian perspective', in: Soeteman, A. (ed.), Pluralism and law, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, p. 37-53.Sumner, Wayne L. "Hate Speech and the Law: A Canadian Perspective." In Pluralism and Law, edited by Arend ...
Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence Vol.35 Iss.1 本期《加拿大法律与法理学杂志》刊发于2022年2月,共10篇文章。这10篇文章分别涉及如下主题:(1)适用于动物的法治理论;(2)监管仇恨言论的方法;(3)基于罪犯的性格加重罪责...
A Wolf in Cheap Clothing❔❓❔A Question for anyone familiar with Canadian Elections Law. How is it legal for someone without any Security Clearance to become Prime Minister!? Shouldn't that be a automatic disqualified!?And if it's not legal, who's willing to take this on and Defend...
A shareholder can enter into contracts with a corporation whose shares he or she owns; and also may sue the corporation, since it is recognized in law as a separate legal per- sona. The limited liability is the important benefit of a corpora- tion. The limited liability protects the ...
This is a good policy. Bill C-51 is a dangerous law representing an aggressive attack on free speech, habeas corpus, privacy, and other features of the rule of law and civil liberties. All in the name of “security”, of course. It is premised on the bogus “War on Terror” so tha...
This series of non-compliance with the requirements of the Law by the system itself, which was created to protect it, shows that it serves the interests of a certain group of people. Using the Moldovan judicial system, unscrupulous competitors try to destabilize the business and cause serious ...
The suborning of law enforcement to the notion that even reasonable dissent can be considered “hate speech” is more reminiscent of the ideas of 17th-century Tories than the modern version. But going forward, the greatest danger lies in the collusion between Big Tech and the government....
s from groups such as the Canadian Arab Federation and Independent Jewish Voices Canada whose views did not confirm their predetermined conclusions, underscored the Harper government’s fervent support for Israel and its attempt to criminalize all criticism of Israel as anti-Semitic hate speech....
- THINGS SCIENCE FICTION DID NOT PREDICT panel with Jon Gufstafson ( mod ), Cyn Mason, Dale Hammell & Ed Beauregard; - AMATEUR FILM WORKSHOP; - a talk ON THE MAKING OF DUNE, THE MOVIE by Frank Herbert; - PORNOGRAPHY, TECHNOLOGY & THE LAW slideshow by Michael Walsh; - ARTISTS RECEPTIO...
Administrative Law Judge Administrative Officer Admissions Officer Admnistrative Technician Adult Educator Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner Advanced Practice Nurse Advertising Designer Advertising Installer Advertising Manager Advertising Painter Advertising Person Advertising Photographer Advisor Aeolian Harp Maker Aer...