Articles related to Canadian government programs and issues, the people who create them, and the history that puts it in context.
Quebec has opted-out of the Government of Canada’s program. Instead, residents of Quebec may receive the Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) with similar characteristics to the Canada Pension Plan. Old Age Security (OAS) The Old Age Security pension is the second of Canada’s federal pension plans av...
[...]the Old Age Security Pension and the Guaranteed Income Supplement with the Seniors Benefit Scheme put forward bytheCanadian government. 還可 能 是制度的刪 除,例 如加拿大政府 建議 以長者補助金取代 高齡保障養 老金和入息保證補助金。
“We’ve been pushing for action for many years,” Petit told Global News, but the government “refused to accept that it was happening.” Going back fifteen years to her days as a teacher in Anglophone South school district, she struggled to find support for her own daughter and divulged...
加拿大养老金计划(Old Age Security,OAS) 加拿大养老金计划的特点是申请门槛低,与个人工作性质、个人资产和退休前个人收入关系不大。主要申请资格为申请人申请时年满65岁、身份为加拿大公民或合法居民、在加拿大境内居住年限或境外居住年限达到申请标准。加拿大养老金福利金额的多少取决于在加拿大居住年限的长短,住满40年...
Foremost amongst these has been the commitment to reduce federal and provincial government deficits. In addition there have been the consequences of high unemployment and increasing job insecurity, demographic and social changes, and "tax fatigue" on the part of the public. The paper documents major...
Government-backed wage increases served as a crucial starting point for negotiating the first collective agreement between the International Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters and the CPR in 1945. There was no going back to the way things were before the war. The uninterrupted movement of people ...
You can make a permanent address change, which will forward your mail for up to 12 months, or a temporary address change if you're going on an extended vacation or wintering down south. The tool also allows you to select whether to have businesses informed of the address change. ...
name of “security”, of course. It is premised on the bogus “War on Terror” so that automatically makes it awful. Realistically, the government doesn’t need more laws to catch bad guys, and C-51 just removes restrictions that make it harder for the government to punish innocent ...
In Canada there are three main sources of government-provided retirement income: the Canada/Quebec Pension Plans (C/QPP), which have benefits and contributions based on earnings up to the Yearly Maximum Pensionable Earnings; Old Age Security (OAS), which is a fixed amount for most but does in...