Project Pipeline – Solar As ofSeptember 30, 2022, the Company's total project pipeline was 25.0 GWp, including 1.0 GWp under construction, 5.2 GWp of backlog, and 18.8 GWp of projects in advanced and early-stage pipelines. We have updated our project pipeline classification as follows: Back...
DFO (2009) Development of a framework and principles for the biogeographic classification of Canadian marine areas. DFO Can Sci. Advis Sec Sci Advis Rep 2009/056, 17 pp ESRI (2013) ArcGIS desktop: release 10.2. Environmental Systems Research Institute, Redlands Google Scholar GBIF-Sweden (2016...
Soil Classification Working Group (1998) The Canadian System of Soil Classification, 3rd ed. Agriculture and Agri-Food Can. Publ. 1646 Stutter MI, Chardon WJ, Kronvang B (2012) Riparian buffer strips as a multifunctional management tool in agricultural landscapes: introduction. J Environ Qual 41...
Available online: (accessed on 14 June 2023). Hermosilla, T.; Wulder, M.A.; White, J.C.; Coops, N.C. Land cover classification in an era of big and open data: Optimizing localized implementation and training ...