The NCAA is concerned that billion-dollar ad campaigns can entice student-athletes or those around them to engage in irresponsible sports wagering. Billion-dollar wagers create the potential for NCAA staff members to be harassed or coerced by bettors while student-athletes can face repercussions that...
Bluenotes stores are as great for shopping online sitewide or... Hallmark Card Coupon & Savings: BOGO Candle & Get a FREE Card Dec 26, 2023 Hallmark is such a famous brand, and I love the store! If you like... Dominos Coupons I This Weeks Codes : Save on Pizza Feb 27, ...
Discover the latest Bluenotes sales! Bluenotes stores are as great for shopping online sitewide or... Hallmark Card Coupon & Savings: BOGO Candle & Get a FREE Card Dec 26, 2023 Hallmark is such a famous brand, and I love the store! If you like... ...
Considering the shift towards online pharmacies, Canadian services have gained attention. Why? There are compelling reasons both for and against using them. First, the advantages. Price is a major factor. Canadian stores often offer medications at lower prices compared to U.S. counterparts. This ...
Nearly 5 million online stores run Shopify. Revenue is up nearly 25% year over year. Shopify is now firmly in the black most quarters – a rarity for many software companies. What a crazy company to try and place a value on! I don’t think anyone really knows just how much profit thi...
As a side note, I think that the rush to buy the US Dollar (and its appreciation against the Canadian Dollar) is actually really good for the Canadian economy. What many people don’t realize is that while a weakening currency vs our most important trading partner (by far) is kind of ...
As a side note, I think that the rush to buy the US Dollar (and its appreciation against the Canadian Dollar) is actually really good for the Canadian economy. What many people don’t realize is that while a weakening currency vs our most important trading partner (by far) is kind of ...
Canada uses its own currency, called the Canadian dollar (CAD). Depending on current market conditions, the Canadian dollar might be worth more or less than the U.S. dollar, which can impact the cost of goods and services in Canada. So, before you go, check in on the current exchange ...
because real output fell. But we know that even if the BOC had targeted NGDP, output would have fallen. Targeting NGDP doesn’t magically make Ohio automakers want more Canadian transmissions. It doesn’t make American home-builders want more Canadian lumber. Yes, the Canadian dollar fell somew...