According to Revenue Canada we only have to complete the above mentioned boxes "enter the appropriate code using box 45 if you provided access to any dental care insurance or for coverage of dental services of any kind to an employee." so why has Quickb...
The bar codes of each product were scanned first to determine if the food had already been collected at another store to prevent duplicate collection [25]. Product information was then uploaded to a website where additional information was entered about each product [25]. Later, trained staff ...
Canadians also travel abroad for non-medically-necessary procedures such as dental care and cosmetic surgeries that are not covered by the public health care system. It has been speculated that procedure costs are likely to serve as motivators for seeking such care abroad for Canadian patients [2...
Canadians also travel abroad for non-medically-necessary procedures such as dental care and cosmetic surgeries that are not covered by the public health care system. It has been speculated that procedure costs are likely to serve as motivators for seeking such care abroad for Canadian patients [2...
Following this, the scheme was revised by the fourth author using input from the external researcher, wherein redundant or underused codes were collapsed or eliminated and overused codes were disaggregated. Once they reached consensus on the revised scheme it was shared with the first and fifth ...
The COVID-19 pandemic caused drastic life changes for people with spinal cord injury (SCI). The objective of the study is to explore the social participation of Canadian wheelchair users with SCI during the first wave of COVID-19. Methods: Fourteen parti